Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Re-Verification of Membership 2010

"" "" Circular No.04 Dt. 05 March 2010 Dear Brothers / Sisters, Namaskaar ! Re-Verification of Membership 2010
The Re-Verification of Membership Schedule for recognition of service Association under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, was again announced by the Department of Posts vide its letter no. 13/01/2010-SR dated 18-02-2010. Earlier this process had gone null-n void last year, due to one of the service association knocked the door of court.
All India Association of Postal Supervisors (General Line) is not participating in the above said verification process as our Court case regarding treating the TBOP/BCR officials as Supervisors is still pending in the Hon'ble High Court, Delhi. As per the directions of the Hon'ble High Court, New Delhi in CWP No. 1827/97, status-quo about our recognition & membership is to be maintained till the case is heard and settled. Therefore, our Association will continue to enjoy the recognized status irrespective of conducting this present verification exercise. Hence, A.I.A.P.S. (GL) is an applicant service association & our name is on sl.- 14 of Annexure I. Direrctorate has acknowledged our position and made necessary remarks in the letters issued on 18-02-2010. Kindly see the Annexure I where it is clearly in column 4 Sl. no. 14 that "In this regard para 2 (V) (b) of letter of even no. dated 18-02-2010 refers". Moreover, it is clearly mentioned in Column no.3 Sl.-14 of Annexure I under the head 'Employees eligible to be included in this category' that "All supervisors LSG/HSG II including TBOP/BCR officials. Here the HSG I cadre is not mentioned. But it is a mere omission. HSG I Postmasters, Asst. Postmasters are also eligible to become Members of our Assoiciation.
Though we are not participating in the current verification process, we should not keep quiet. We have to get the Membership Declaration forms (Annexure II) filled not only from our existing members, from whom the recovery of subscription is made but also from the new members.We have to enroll more and more Members to our associations. The Membership application forms signed by the Director (SR/Legal) alone to be used for getting the membership. Hence, copy of the same (Annexure II) is enclosed herewith for taking Xerox copies and used for enrolling and renewing the membership towards our Association. The enclosed instructions received from the Directorate should be read carefully and followed without any mistake. Last date for submitting the list of letters of authorisation to divisional heads is fixed as 26th. April 2010.

All are requested to read the instructions given in the Directorate's letter Para No. (V) (b) (page no.3) where it is clearly mentioned that "Recovery of subscriptions being made in respect of service Associations on the basic of old authorization will be made till April 2010 salary (payable on 30-04-2010) except for All India Association of Postal Supervisors (GL), as in their case, as per the directions of the Hon'ble High Court, New Delhi in CWP No. 1827/97, Status-quo is to be maintained till the case is heard. This must be brought to the notice of the Divisional Heads and Pay disbursing officers in advance.
IMP. : It's golden time to reform/ reconstruct our association's units & also form new units at Divnl.level as well as at circle level. All CHQ office bearers & circle secretaries are requested to do their best efforts. Ad-hoc committee of divisions can be formed by Circle Secretaries and such excerise for circle will be authorized by undersigned. So, go ahead, form more & more ad-hoc committees at Divisl./ circle levels. Than, fill-up letter of authorization with new members & submit them to Divisl.Heads well in time.
ALL THE BEST ! Yours affectionately,
(Manoj Bhardwaj)
General Secretary