Friday, October 28, 2011

पोस्टिंग ऑफ़ सब पोस्ट मास्टर्स इन सिंगल एंड डबल हैण्ड पोस्ट ऑफिस

Declining promotion to Postmaster Grade-I

► Declining promotion to Postmaster Grade-I by the officials declared successful in Postmaster Grade-I Departmental Competitive Examination held on 12.06.2011.

D.G. Posts No. 4-24/2011-SPB-II dated 26 Sep, 2011.

I am directed to refer to Directorate's letter of even number dated 9.8.2011 on the above subject and to say that in the aforesaid letter the Circles were advised that declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I after passing the Departmental examination, but before his appointment ,may be accepted.

2. References are being received seeking clarification with regard to acceptance of declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I after issue of order of appointment but before joining by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I.

3. The Directorate's letter of even number dated 9.8.2011 is very clear. Declination of appointment by the officials can be accepted by the Circles only if the same is received before issue of order of appointment. No deviation is permissible in the matter.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Amendments to the constitution of A.I.A.P.S.(G.L.)

Now, Newly formed POSTMASTER CADRE will also be the MEMBERS of All India Association of Postal Supervisors: Important Amendment

Some of the Important amendments to the constitution / by-laws of A.I.A.P.S.(G.L.) WERE passed unanimously during the 17th All India Conference of A.I.A.P.S. (G.L.) held at Saharanpur(U.P.) from 10-04-2011 to 12-04-2011.Two copies of the amendments are already been sent to Postal Directorate on 26 April 2011 for approval.

The matter is under approval with Department, and in such condition neither department can refuse to approve these amendments, nor any other union or association can claim for this newly form cadre, Because,A.I.A.P.S.(GL) is the only recognized association concerns with Postal Supervisors cadre like: TBOP, BCR, LSG, HSG. As the department has disolved TBOP/BCR and introduced MACP-I,II,III and other side, LSG/HSG postal supervisers directly promoted to new Post Master Gr-I &II basically. In such condition, MACP -II & III and also Postmaster Gr-I, II, III will be the member of this Supervisors Association only. It's very clear that the basic mother cadre for MACP-II, III and Postmaster Gr-I, II are TBOP, BCR and LSG, HSG respactively, which were already with A.I.A.P.S.GL.

So kindly be clear about this propaganda and enroll the MACP-II,III & Postmaster Gr-I,II,III as members of this association only.

Amendments to the constitution / by-laws of A.I.A.P.S.(G.L.)

Para (i) Part I- General Membership

Existing Provisions

Membership shall comprise of LSG(including TBOP), HSG-II (including BCR) and HSG-I, including LSG/HSG-II fast track promoted officials of the Postal operative wing,Postal Trg. Centres and Postal Administrative Offices (Circle/Regional Offices)wing of the Department of Posts.

Amended Version

Membership shall comprise of LSG(including TBOP), HSG-II (including BCR) and HSG-I, including LSG/HSG-II fast track promoted officials, MACP-II, MACP-III and Post Masters Gr-I, Gr-II and Gr-III of the Postal operative offices, Postal Trg. Centres and Postal Administrative Offices (Circle / Regional Offices) wing of the Department of Posts.

Para - 5 (iii) Part I- General Membership

New Provision: New members will be enrolled during the month of April in each year.

Para- 10- Part -I ( General ) Subscription

Existing Provisions

Subscription shall be Rs.20/-per month. The rate of subscription shall br revised by All India Conference only. Subscription will be recovered through pay Roll Scheme by the Disbursing officers.

Amended Version

Subscription shall be Rs.30/-per month. The rate of subscription shall br revised by All India Conference only. Subscription from the existing members and also from the new members enrolled in each year during the month of April will be recovered through pay Roll Scheme by the Pay Disbursing officers.
(Manoj Bhardwaj)
General Secretary "" ""