Monday, June 20, 2016

AIAPS(GL) suggestions for Revision/Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Postal Service Group ‘B’ and Sr. Postmaster cadre-

        The Honorable Director General,
        Department of Posts,
        Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
        New Delhi – 110001

Respected sir,

        Subject : Revision/Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Postal Service Group ‘B’ and Sr. Postmaster cadre- reg

Ref : No.9-14/2010-SPG dated at Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg the 30th May 2016

         A kind reference is invited for the above reference, and vide above reference it is directed to submit the comments from the stake holders if any for the above said subject recruitment rules within 30 days.

        I would like to bring the following few analytical information for your benign consideration and early favorable orders please.

Till 4th CPC, IP line and supervisory line was equally treated and nourished but after that general supervisory officials are given with very meager PSS group B /Postmaster Group B promotional opportunities.

        In this juncture, general line supervisors – PSS Group B promotional quota was further reduced from 6% to 3% which added salt to the wounds of General line supervisors.

        Postmaster cadre is also given with just 25% Sr.PM 28 number of posts, and remaining 75% posts are now directed to be filled by the competitive examinations from the IP cadre along with PM cadre by the 7th CPC para number 11.8.18.

        Those Sr.PM posts are in the Postmaster cadre hierarchy and in no way IP/ASP officials can claim the Sr. Postmaster posts. But they are allotted with 75% Sr. PM Posts to them. In the same way 75% of PSS Group B posts may also kindly be allotted to 5 years experienced selection Grade supervisors and Postmaster cadre officials along with IP line. Whether Administrative line/Supervisory line? - Intellectual and charm youngsters may kindly be opt this exam and be equally nourished.

        I humbly submit the Comparative study between the Supervisory line and IP/ASP line number of posts and their promotional opportunities at our department.
After cadre restructure number of LSG Posts as on date 
 HSG II  Posts    
 HSG I    Posts   
 HSG I (NFG) Posts
Number of ASP Posts 
Number of IP  Posts               

No of PSS Group B /Sr Post Master Post allotted to 37431 LSG/HSG II/ HSG I and POST MASTER CADRE OFFICIALS.
P S S Group B  3%
Sr Post Masters

        Because of the proposed amendments in PSS Group B posts, IP/ASP line promotional avenues are as follows:
No of Group B Posts allotted to IP/ASP cadre through LDCE @ 22%      
No of Group Posts allotted to  ASP cadre on seniority  cum fitness’ @ 75%        
No of Sr. Supdt of Posts allotted to ASP line 75% G.P 5400(PB3)
No of Sr Post master vacancies’ to IP cadre through L D C E @ 75%
Total P S S Group B/ Sr Post Master Post allotted to 4153 IP/ASP cadre
Thus for 4011 IP/ASP Posts 949 Group-B/Sr Post Master Posts were allotted to Administrative line.

Total IP ASP cadre Posts
P S S Group B  Sr Post Master Posts allotted to IP line
No of General line supervisors Posts
P S S Group B Sr Post Master Posts allotted to General line
Among 4 IPs one IP is getting PSS Group B promotion and they are having more than sufficient promotional opportunities.

Whereas among 694 supervisors, 1 supervisor is getting PSS Group B promotion. Remaining 693 supervisors future is in drench and they are stagnated in their career very badly.

Because of the above justified facts and data, while implement the proposed PSS Group B recruitments rules and 7th CPC guidelines for Sr. Postmaster post filling, the following necessary modification may kindly be done with the relevant recruitment rules of PSS Group B and Sr. Postmaster cadre.

1.           75% Postmaster cadre hierarchy posts are allotted to Administrative hierarchy to boost them. In the same way to boost the Supervisory line 75% PSS Group B posts also may kindly be allotted to Selection grade and Postmaster cadre supervisory officials along with IP/ASP line. 25% PSS Group B posts may kindly be filled with IP/ASP officials through seniority cum fitness. Remaining 75% of posts may kindly be with LDCE from the eligible IP/ASP officials along with General line LSG/Postmaster cadre officials completed 5 years experience in that cadre.

2.           25% Sr. Postmaster cadre posts may kindly be filled with Postmaster Grade III officials completed 2 years experience and remaining 75% Sr. Postmaster posts may kindly given to LDCE to Supervisory cadre along with IP/ASP cadre. Intellectual can opt this exam and both will be equally nourished.

To remove the bottle neck in promotions and to avoid the stagnation in any supervisory/IP/ASP line above modification is very very vital and this association is requesting the hon’ble DG sir to accept the above suggestion for the steady growth of our department by nourishing the supervisory and administrative line equally with equal opportunities.

A line in reply would be highly solicited.

Thanking you.
                                                                              Yours faithfully,

                                                                          (Manoj Bhardwaj)
                                                                               G/S AIAPS(GL)

Revision/Amendment in Recruitment Rules for PSS Group ‘B’ and Sr. Postmaster cadre

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CHQ Wrote To department Regarding PM Cadre Restructuring

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Request to carve out 1/3 of HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) posts for Postmaster Grade I/II/III

        The Honorable Director General,
        Department of Posts,
        Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
        New Delhi – 110001

No : AIAPS-GL /CHQ Corr/2016-2017 dated at Noida the 18.06.2016

        Subject : Request to carve out 1/3 of HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) posts for Postmaster Grade I/II/III respectively under cadre restructure– reg

Ref 1   : Group – C cadre restructure D.G. Post letter No. 25-04/2012-PE-I dated 27th May, 2016.
Ref 2 : Para ‘F’ of Cadre restructure bilateral agreement with department and staff side dated 28.04.2014

Respected sir,
        A kind reference is invited to the above references and vide reference 1, Group-C cadre Postal wing cadre restructure order is released and LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) posts are enhanced for general line.

Vide reference 2, it is assured that after implementation of cadre restructure in group-C, Postmaster cadre related cadre restructure also would have been examined in the light of the same.

At present promotional opportunities and number of Posts to Postmaster Grade II/Grade III/Sr.PM is very meager, recently promoted Postmaster Cadre officials are in drench to get their next stage of promotion in the postmaster hierarchy because of acute stagnation.

To get rid of that stagnation issues, Group C, cadre restructure was implemented and after cadre restructure norm based LSG posts along with ‘A’ class SPM posts are elevated as HSG-II and in the same way as per the Postmaster cadre recruitment rules, 1/3 of HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) posts should be allotted to the Postmaster cadre in the following manner.

Postmaster Grade I
Postmaster Grade II
Postmaster Grade III
Before cadre restructure
After Cadre restructure
Before cadre restructure
After Cadre restructure
Before cadre restructure
After Cadre restructure
2097+2831 = 4928
= 1211
495+ 77

* 1/3 Posts of HSG-II posts are additionally carved out for PM Grade I 
* 1/3 Posts of HSG-I posts are additionally carved out for PM Grade II
* 1/3 Posts of HSG-I(NFG)posts are additionally carved out for PM Grade III

        So as constituted for the general line, this association is requesting the hon’ble DG sir, to kindly release early orders related to Postmaster Cadre restructure by enhancing 1/3 the number of posts Postmaster Grade I/II/III posts at par with general line HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I (NFG) posts respectively as per the relevant recruitment rules of the above cadre.

        A line in reply would be highly solicited.
Thanking you.

                                                                   Yours faithfully

                                                               (MANOJ BHARDWAJ )
                                                                 General secretary