Sunday, February 21, 2010

प्रिय सुपरवाइजर मित्रो !

प्रिय सुपरवाइजर मित्रो

चाहता हूँ कि आप से ज्यादा से ज्यादा बात कर सकूँ लेकिन विभाग की कार्य शैली इतना वक्त मुश्किल से देती है । फिर भी संगठन को मजबूत करने के लिए आपका सहयोग पहली शर्त है । नए सदस्य वेरिफिकेशन के फार्म 18 फरबरी को निकाल चुके है , जल्दी आपको भजूँगा । आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा टीबीओपी ,बीसीआर , एचएसजी 1 ,एचएसजी 2 ,एचएसजी 1 साथियों से डुप्लिकेट मे फार्म साइन कराये , एक फार्म लिस्ट के साथ डीडीओ को दे ओर एक अपने पास रखे । मार्च मे दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट मे असोसिएशन के केस की डेट है, ओर भी खर्चे हैं , जिसके लिए धन चाहिए । आप से अपील है कि सीएचक्यू को ज्यादा से ज्यादा आर्थिक सहयोग देने का कष्ट करें ।

होली की अनंत शुभकामनायें !

आपका साथी

मनोज भारद्वाज 09319317089

Separate cadre for POST MASTERs

**G O O D N E W S**
Separate Cadre for ***POST MASTERS***
No. 13-2/2010-PE.I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001
Dated 05-02-2010 ORDER
It has been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority to constitute a separate cadre of Postmasters with the followingnumber of posts by carving them out from the existing General Line Cadre posts and Postal Services Group -B of Postal Wing and to designate them as Senior Postmaster, Postmaster Grade-III, Postmaster Grade -II and Postmaster Grade I as detailed below:-

Sl.No.--------- Existing Cadre---------------Proposed Cadre------------ No.of Posts
1. Postal Services-- Group B officer--------------- Senior Postmaster Rs.7500-250-12000 (pre revised) Rs.9300-34800 + 4800 and 5400 after 4 years (Revised) (PB-2) 116
2. Higher Selection Grade (HSG-I) -----------------------Postmaster Grade III 6500-10500 (Pre Revised) Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4600 Grade Pay (Revised) (PB-2) 495

3. Higher Selection Grade (HSG-II)---------------------- Postmaster Grade II Rs.5000 – 8000 (Pre Revised) Rs.9300-34800 +Rs.4200 Grade Pay (Revised) (PB-2) 511
4 Lower Selection Grade (LSG) --------------------------- Postmaster Grade- I Rs.4500-7000 (Pre Revised) Rs.5200-20200 + Rs.2800 Grade Pay (Revised) (PB-1)
2. The post will be deemed to have been to have been designated as Senior Postmaster, Postmaster Grade III, Postmastger Grade II and Postmaster Grade I with effect from the dates these are filled up.

3. The consequential action like framing of recruitment rules shall be taken by the Personnel Division.
sd/ (P. Ahilan)
Asst. Director General (Estt.) ************************************************************************************
Now we are waiting for recruitment rules.
Ok General Secretary-CHQ

Anomaly Committee Meeting

Anomaly Committee Meeting
The anomaly committee meeting was held on 5th Feb.’10 in the Committee Room Dak Bhawan New Delhi. Shri.A.K.Sharma, Chairman presided over the meeting. The DDG (P) and other members of official side have also participated.
. Item-10.
Grant of Supervisory Allowance to LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I Supervisors –

Non grant of graded supervisory allowance: The Official Side pointed out that this is not an anomaly of 6th CPC.
Higher pay scale to Supervisors:
During discussion on the item of the agenda regarding higher pay scale for the Supervisors, It was raised by the GS as to how a LSG Superviso who is drawing Rs.2800 Grade Pay can supervise BCR PAs / Postmen who are drawing Rs.4200 as grade pay and urged this anomaly should be settled. Then the department agreed to take up this issue with the Nodal Ministries.
General Secretary- CHQ

MACP---New Findings

M A C P:
The Department issued orders vide File No. 4-7/ (MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.9.2009 financial up gradations under the new modified Assured Career progressive scheme for 10,20 and 30 years of continuous regular service, in place of TBOP and BCR. But the experience, where the DPCs were held for MACP, it is a different experience. More than 50% of the officials did not get the financial up gradation based on the ACRs for the last five years.

The ACRs in the divisional level for the period for assessment were written very casually and mostly officials were graded as Average, Satisfactory etc which are invalid. Many appointing authorities do not know the particulars of officials whose performance they graded. This is quite un-justice with these officials. In fact the officials who are ignored of the promotions are the best performers in all the schemes, but their grading in ACRs are not so fit-n-fine.
The DOPT in its order No. 21011/1/2005-Estt. (A) dt. 6.01.2010 clarified clearly about the ACRs prior to the reporting period 2008-09, the existing grading shall be blocked. (The order is published below.)
It is important for the competent authorities holding the DPCs to act in the spirit of these orders. The Directorate also should circulate these orders with clear clairifications.
It is also reported that officials who have declined LSG/ HSG promotions before the introduction of MACP scheme were not considered for financial upgradation under MACP Matter has been taken up with deptt. & urged to exempt those officials as one time measure since they were not aware of the rules of the MACP at the time of declining the LSG/HSG promotions.

AIAPS(GL) Circle & Regional office bearers are requested to meet the Director of Postal Services / PMsG / CPMsG concerned and apprise them of the DOP&T order on this subject and see that officials are not affected due to the benchmark mentioned above.

General Secretary-CHQ

DOPT No.21011/1/2005- Estt. (A) dated the 6th January,2010
Subject: - Effect on modification / expunction of adverse remarks in the ACRs and up gradation / down-gradation of overall grading in the ACRs prior to the period 2008-2009.
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions were issued vide O.M. of even number dated 14th May, 2009 by which the complete APAR (previously known as ACR) including the overall grading and assessment of integrity shall be communicated to the concerned officer for representation if any, with effect from the reporting period 2008-09 which was to be initiated from1.4.2008. Prior to that only adverse remark in the ACR were required to be communicated for representation, if any. The then existing instructions further provided that the overall grading in the ACR should remain unchanged even after modification or expunction of the entire adverse remarks. It was left to the DPCto re-determine the overall grading if it considered that the expunction of such adverse remarks had so altered the quality of the ACR. The matter has been further considered and it has been decided that in those cases where the reckonable ACRs prior to the reporting period 2008-09 are to be considered in a future DPC on which the adverse remarks of Reporting / Reviewing/ Accepting Authorities have been expunged or modified by the Competent Authority, the “overall grading” in the ACR be kept blank for appropriate re-grading by the DPCs. The existing grading shall be blocked in such cases. It has also been decided that where the authority has upgraded / downgraded the overall grading without giving sufficient reasons, the DPC shall treat such an exercise as non-est/invalid. General terms, such as “I agree or disagree with the Reporting Officer/ Reviewing Officer” used by the Reviewing/Accepting Authority shall not be construed as sufficient reason for upgrading/downgrading the overall grading given by the Reporting Authority/Reviewing Authority. The proposals for the DPC where ACRs up to the reporting period 2007-08 will be taken into account should specifically bring out these guidelines.

2. It is also made clear that past cases already decided will not be re-opened

Injustice with LSG / HSG cadre

A.I.A.P.S.(GL) H.P.Circle

Narender Kumar C/S reported to CHQ
Anomaly\ injustice
with the grade Pays of
in Post offices
The great injustice has been done with general line Supervisors by the CPC’s and Department and this cadre is the most neglected cadre not only in this Department but also in the whole of the ministries None has favored this cadre. The post of HSG-I was promotional post for ASPO’s and it has been downgraded three steps since 3rd CPC in which the pay scale of Rs 700-900 was granted to HSG-1 and similar is fate with HSG-II and LSG cadres. What will be the situation if ASPO’s , DPS/PMG and member (PSB) draws more grade pay than their boss SPO’s , CPMG and Secretary (Posts). Similar is the condition of FTP LSG\HSG-II SPM’s /APM’s who are drawing Grade pay of Rs 2800- & Rs 4200- but simple PA’s working under them are drawing more GP of Rs 4600-. A PA enters in LSG cadre generally after completion of 33-35 years of service i.e. after getting 3rd ACP. . It is therefore justified to grant grade pay more than PA’s working under them . Great resentment hence demand the following :-

1.Grade Pay 4800- for LSG/HSG-II like JAO/AAO& Grade Pay of 5400-for HSG-I.
2. Early introduction of Postmaster cadre as promised by the Secretary Posts for providing equal promotional avenues like IPO & JAO(A/C’s ) cadre.
The below is the illustration\comparison and clear picture how these cadres have suffered badly for the few decades:-
CPC Comparison of cadres
3rd- 425-700,425-700,550-800,550-800,700-900,650-1050,
4th- 1400-2300,1400-2300,1600-2600,1640-2600,2000-3200,2000-3500,
5th- 4500-7000,5500-9000,5000-8000,6500-10500,6500-10500,7500-12000,
6th- GP 2800,GP 4200,GP 4200,GP 4600 ,GP 4600,GP 4800
The post of HSG-I was a higher than the post of ASPO’s and JAO but now both these cadres have been upgraded..The Post of ASPO’s has been made gazetted and JAO’s are merged in AAO and JAO pass are getting grade pay of Rs 4800-.The scale of post of HSG-I was downgraded by IV th CPC and was made equal to AAO’s . The Accounts jurisdiction of HSG-I Head Postmaster’s is very vast and he is responsible of all the accounts work of SO’s and BO’s under it and of HO itself. He is also responsible for arrangement of cash for all the PO’s under the HO. He also performs the duties of DDO. It is clear that the Department has behaved with this cadre like Step-mother and it is a clear cut anomaly .The matter may be put up before the Anomaly committee.