SUBJECT:-Consideration of ACRs and application of Bench Mark for notional Promotions in LSG/HSGII/HSGI/financial up gradation under TBOPBCR scheme-Reg.
I am directed to say that one of the agenda items submitted by the staff side for discussion in the JCM relates to “Irregular application of Benchmark of current period for notional promotions.”
The staff side has stated that `the instructions of DOPT dt 16-06-2000,that only CRs for the year immediately preceding the years of vacancy/panel should be considered if DPC meetings are held later than the schedule prescribed in model calendar’, has not been taken note of by many circles and current bench marks were applied wrongly for the notional promotions. It has also been stated that in some circles, the bench mark was applied for TBOP/BCR promotion, despite the existence of clear cut orders from the Directorate that Bench mark should not be applied for BCR promotions.
2. It may be recalled that the Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) vide its Office Memorandum No 22011/7/98-Estt (D) dated 6-10-2000,while referring to Para 6.2.1(b) of instructions circulated vide their OM No 22011/5/86-Estt(D),dated 10-4-1989,has substituted Para 6.2.1(b) as under :“:The DPC should assess the suitability of the employees for promotion on the basis of their service records and with particular reference to the CR s for five preceding years irrespective of the qualifying service prescribed in the Service/ Recruitment rules. The preceding Five years’ for the aforesaid purpose shall be decided as per the guidelines contained in the DOP&T O.M.No 22011/9/98-Estt (D), dated September 8, 1998, which prescribe the Model Calendar for DPC read with O.M. of even No dated June 16,2000.( If more than one CR have been written for a particular year, all the CRs for the relevant years shall be considered together as the CR for one year)”.
3. Sub para 6.4.3 0f DOP&T O.M No 22011/9/98-Estt (D),dated September 8,1998 provides that for the purpose of evaluating the merit of the officers while preparing year-wise panels, the scrutiny of the record of service of the officers should be limited to the records that would have been available had the DP met at the appropriate time .
4. In view of the above, the circles etc. are required to take into account only the ACRs pertaining to preceding five years that would have been available had the DPC met at the appropriate time.
5. In so far as grant of financial up gradation under BCR scheme ,it is stated that as per Directorate letter No 44-1/97-SPB,II,dated 9 .9.97,for the purpose of financial up gradation under BCR Scheme ,non-selection method was to be adopted as conveyed vide Dte lr no 4-4/92-SPB.II dated 21-3-1995.It had been further stated that `average’ grading need not disqualify an official from promotion under the BCR scheme if he was otherwise found fit by the DPC.Thus ,the circles were asked to review recommendation of the DPCs held after issue of instructions dated 21-3-1995,if considered necessary.
6. It is reiterated that Postal Circles etc should adhere to the instructions contained in Dte letter No 44-1/97-SPB.II dated 9.9.97,in so far a grant of financial up gradation under BCR Scheme for the period when the same was in existence.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-(Suraj Bhan )
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