Circular No.07 Dt. 31 MAY 2013
To:All CHQ Office Bearers,
All Circle / Regional / Divisional Secretaries,
Dear Brothers & Sisters , Namaskaar!
Hope you will get it in good spirit & health.
18th All India Conference - 29-30 June & 01 July 2013
Kindly refer to my previous Circular No.06 Dated: 18April, 2013, in which it was informed
that 18 th A.I.C. will be held on18-19-20 July 2013 in Tamil Nadu (Kodaikanal). Now, here is
some major changes in the Dates as well in the Vanue of 18th A.I.C.
As all of you know, XVII th All India Conference of A.I.A.P.S. (G.L.) was successfully
organized at Saharanpur (U.P.) from 10-04-2011 to 12-04-2011.We have completed 2 years
on 12th April 2013 and the next A.I.C. is due up to 12th July 2013 (Within the 2years+90days).
But,as per the previous programme i.e.proposed A.I.C. on 18-19-20 July 2013 will go
out from the prescribed grace-period of 90 days. So it has now been decided that 18th A.I.C.
will go on as per the following revised programme--
Date of 18th A.I.C.- 29-30Jun & 01 JULY 2013
Vanue- KANPUR (U.P.)
Open Session- 30 June 2013
(Vanue detail: Nagarik Dharmshala,212-A, Block-'M', Kidvai Nagar,Kanpur-208023)
Central Working Committee will meet just before the 18 th.All India Conference, i.e.on
27-06-2013 to 28-06-2013 at the same vanue.
Vanue at KANPUR is booked for 29 & 30 June 2013 by the host unit AIAPS(GL) Uttar
Pradesh,so you should manage your visit in such a manner that you can attend the open
session on 30th June 2013.
Delegates & Visitors can contact with Mr.S.B.Sharma,C/S U.P. & Chairman, Reception
Committee at Kanpur on Mobile: 09935779007 about their arrival.
Notice for holding the18th.Bi-ennial All India Conference of the Association has been
issued on 28th May 2013, a copy of the same is attached h/w for information. As per the latest
instructions on the subject of granting of special casual leave to attend the All India Conference &
C W C Meetings of the Recognised unions / Associations, there will not be any separate communication from the Directorate. Circle Secretaries are requested to send/ hand over this notification
to the Head of the Circle Concerned and ensure grant of special casual leave alongwith transit time
by them.
(Ref : Compendium of Trade Union Facilities- issued by D.O.P.-SR Sec.New Delhi No.54-1/ 83-SPB-II Dated 06-12-1983 Para 5 & 6 )
Tamil Nadu Circle Conference -18-19-20 July 2013 at KODAIKANAL
Although, the vanue & dates for 18th AIC has been changed,even the proposed
programme at KODAIKANAL (Tamil Nadu) will remain UN-CHANGED and all of you are also
invited at Kodaikanal, as per the details already circulated vide my previous Circular No-6
dated 18 April 2013. Because, Tamil Nadu circle conference is sheduled at Kodaikanal on
these dates & Resort has already been booked for 19-20 July 2013.It is to note that if you
remain unable to attend AIC at Kanpur,then you should visit Kodaikanal on 19-20 July
2013 positively. I, with other CHQ members from U.P.& Delhi will attend conference at
Kodaikanal(Tamil Nadu). So, we can meet once or twice on these forthcoming gettogather.
So, please get ready & pack your baggage to give the pleasure of your warm
welcome to U.P.Circle as well as Tamil Nadu circle.
All the Best for your upcoming journey !
Long Live AIAPS (GL) !!! Your beloved
( Manoj Bhardwaj )
General Secretary