Tuesday, October 4, 2016

AIAPS is stepping up into one more important milestone in the history of Postmasters!!!

Dear Postmasters,

            Because of getting the recognized platform, we have started to function fully and in the outset of that, we are gonna file a proposal to upgrade the Postmaster Grade I/II/III/Sr.Postmaster Cadre grade pay as Rs.4200/ Rs.4600/ Rs.4800/ Rs.5400(PB-2) respectively w.e.f., 01.01.2016.

           The submitted scanned copy is as follows.... Be united with AIAPS....

        The Honorable Chairman,
        Anomaly Committee,
        Department of Personnel and Training - JCA section
        North Block New Delhi 110001

        Sub : Request to resolve the cadre specific glaring anomaly “two different pay for the same identical cadres arising out of 7th CPC implementation in respect to the Postmaster Grade I, II, III and Senior Postmaster cadres at Department of Posts - reg
        Ref 1: DOPT letter number F.No.11/2/2016-JCA-I dated at New Delhi the 09.09.2016 regarding setting up the anomaly committee.
        Ref 2: Ministry of Finance – Department of Expenditure resolution letter no I-2/2016-IC Para no 16 to address cadre-specific anomalies to the anomaly committee.
Ref 3: 7th CPC para number 11.8.22 dated 19.11.2015 regarding existing PA/SA hierarchy.
Ref 4: 7th CPC para number 11.8.16 dated 19.11.2015 regarding existing hierarchy of the Postmasters’ Cadre
Ref 5: 7th CPC para number 11.8.21 dated 19.11.2015 regarding upgrading the Grade pay of Inspector/Assistant superintendent/ Superindent of Posts.
Respected sir,

        A kind reference is invited to the above references and vide Ref 1, anomaly committee was constituted to redress the anomalies arising out of the 7th CPC implementation.

        Vide Ref 2: it was sought to represent the cadre specific anomalies to resolve by anomaly committee.

After implementation of 7th CPC, Postmaster cadre is severely victimized at Department of Posts because of the glaring anomalies like “two pay for identical cadres” and “No justification for clearing LDCE exams with merit”. So this association brings the following few lines for your benign consideration and immediate orders without further delay please.

New Postmaster cadre was introduced to head the key post offices by the professionally skilled managers. In the Postmaster cadre creation introductory paragraph of Postal directorate, it was mentioned that in order to improve/upgrade the functioning of the Post Offices, meet the present day requirement of specialization in Postal office management in the wake of introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase productivity it has absolutely become essential to ensure that key Post Offices are headed by professional managers. Thus, in order to ensure that professionally qualified, trained and meritorious officials head the key Post Offices, it has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters comprising the following grades Postmaster cadre was introduced on 22nd November 2010.

As expected by the postal directorate in the preamble of Postmaster cadre creation, in the wake of technology, Postmaster Grade I/II/III offices are running with professionally skilled incumbents and achieving the allotted targets to each and every corner of India. Postmaster cadre officials are in the good books of the department because of their progressive work and by the way they are professionally managing the key post offices.  We could see their glittering performances virtually through all the MIS of eService sites. But unfortunately even after 5 years 10 months from creation of the Postmaster cadre, nothing was given to boost the devoted and promising Postmaster cadre officials till now.

In this juncture because of the 7th CPC implementation, even deeper Postmaster cadre was deprived because of glaring anomalies at Par with General Supervisory Line cadre and Inspector Posts line cadre.

Anomalies arising in Postmaster Cadre with General line:
        Vide Reference 2 and 3 the existing hierarchy comparison between general line and Postmasters’ cadre is as follows:

Table 1:
General Line hierarchy
Entry level qualification and method of filling
Postmaster Cadre line hierarchy
Entry level qualification and method of filling
Grade Pay
Postal Assistant
Class XII for DR (50%) LDCE (50%) from MTS
Postal Assistant
Class XII for DR (50%) LDCE (50%) from MTS
100% by promotion from Postal assistants after completing 5 years Postal Assistant service
Postmaster Grade I
100% by promotion from Postal assistants after completing 5 years Postal Assistant service in addition to that Limited Departmental Competitive Examination with merit
Rs. 2800
(Though Postmaster Grade I officials are promoted only after LDCE with merit in addition with required 5 years PA service placed in the same grade pay)
100% by promotion from  LSG
Postmaster Grade II
100% promotion from Postmaster Grade I
100% by promotion from  HSG-II
Postmaster Grade III
100% promotion from Postmaster Grade II

        Vide above comparison table LSG and Postmaster Grade I is fixed with the Same Grade Pay Rs.2800/- but Postmaster Grade I post is differed with General line LSG post because of the following reasons…
a.           As mentioned in the above table 1, 100% LSG promotion is being given to the 5 years-service completed senior PA officials whereas for Postmaster Grade I promotion is being given to the 5 years-service completed PA officials, only after clearing the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) with merit.
b.           So Postmaster Grade I posts should be definitely distinguished with general line LSG and it is inevitable that Postmaster Grade I/II/III posts should be given with stepped up Grade Pay Rs.4200/-, Rs.4600/-, Rs.4800 respectively to resolve the glaring anomaly.

Anomalies arising in Postmaster Cadre with Inspector Posts Line:
Vide Ref 5, to match up the Inspector Posts grade pay at par with CBDT/CBEC inspector posts, Inspector (Posts) grade pay was upgraded to Rs.4600 from Rs. 4200 and to avoid the identical pay in promotional posts, one stepped up grade pay was given to the Assistant Superintendent of Posts (G.P Rs.4600) and Superintendent of Posts. Superintendent of Posts and Senior Postmaster posts are identical posts but identical cadre “Senior Postmaster” grade pay was not upgraded by the 7th CPC.

Vide Reference 4 and 5 the existing hierarchy comparison between Postmaster cadre line and Inspector cadre line is as follows

Postmaster Cadre
Entry level qualification and method of filling
Grade pay of PM Cadre
Inspector cadre
Entry level qualification and method of filling
Grade Pay of Inspector cadre
Postal Assistant
Class XII for DR (50%) LDCE (50%) from MTS
Postal Assistant
Class XII for DR (50%) LDCE (50%) from MTS
Postmaster Grade I
LDCE exam after 5 years PA service

Postmaster Grade II
100% promotion
Inspector of Posts
LDCE exam after 5 years PA service
Postmaster Grade III
100% promotion
Asst Superintendent of Posts
100% promotion from Postmaster Grade I
Senior Postmaster
25% promotion by Postmaster Grade III,
75% LDCE exam by Inspector Posts
Superindent of Posts
100% promotion from Postmaster Grade II
(Though both are identical cadres, different grade pay is fixed.

At present as per the relevant recruitment rules, Senior postmaster cadre is in the hierarchy of Postmaster cadre and as well as in the PSS- Group B Superintendent posts cadre. Vide Senior Postmaster cadre relevant recruitment rules, PSS Group B gazetted - Superintendent of Posts cadre officials can also be posted as Senior postmasters during their service.

After implementing the 7th CPC, while working as Superintendent of Posts, they will get Grade Pay Rs.5400 (PB-2) “L-9” and afterwards if they would have been posted as Senior Postmasters they are liable to get lower Grade Pay only in the “level-8” of Rs.4800 which is creating glaring anomaly that “two pay for one work”

        Because of upgrading the Superintendent Posts without upgrading the identical Senior Postmaster cadre, in some postal divisions Senior Postmaster officials are drawn the pay for the Grade Pay Rs.5400(PB-2) and in some postal divisions they are drawn the pay for the Grade Pay Rs.4800 which is arising the glaring anomaly.

                For the Past 5 years 10 months, the Promising new Postmaster cadre officials are shining in all aspects but nothing was given to boost them. In this juncture depriving them because of above anomalies which may add salt to the burning wounds of them.
        So It is inevitable to upgrade the Postmaster Cadre grade pay as per the following two prayers of this All India Association of Postal Supervisors(GL) association:

        Prayer 1:

This association once again requests the honorable chairman anomaly committee to upgrade the Postmaster Grade I/II/III/Senior Postmaster posts as per the below table without further delay and render justice to the professionally skilled promising Postmaster cadre because of the following two glaring anomalies.

1. “Two pay for identical cadres” between Senior Postmaster Cadre and Superintend of Posts cadre
2. “No justification for clearing the LDCE exams with merit” and kept the Postmaster Cadre officials with LSG officials.

Postmaster cadre
Identical cadre
Existing grade pay
Revised Grade pay
Postmaster Grade I
Postmaster Grade II
Postmaster Grade III
Senior Postmaster   Cadre
PSS Group B- Superintendent of Posts
Rs.5400 (PB-2)

          Prayer 2:

This All India association of Postal Supervisors(GL) is purely recognized staff side association by the government of India and having the concern towards redressing the grievances of 40563 postal supervisory officials (37431 General line supervisory cadre officials plus 3132 Postmaster cadre line supervisory officials).
So as a recognized association general secretary I (MANOJ BHARDWAJ) may also kindly be included in the staff side members list to represent the various anomalies rising out of the implementation of 7th CPC regarding Postal supervisory officials.

A line in reply in this regard would be highly solicited.

Thanking you.
Noida                                                                        Yours faithfully

    (Manoj Bhardwaj)
Copy to,
        The Honorable Secretary Posts, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110001.

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