Monday, December 31, 2018

From the desk of general secretary, all India association of postal supervisors,

Compiled the following significant things, happened during 2018 under the banner of AIAPS

1. Year 2018 was started with many challenges in front of us, since even after secty Posts meeting, minutes copy was not provided by saying more than 3 agendas discussed and 7 AIAPS members were participated in the secty posts meeting dated 25/7/17.  Meetings with directorate officers are not only to discuss the things but to get solutions to our prolonged issues. So aggrieved with that reply of the directorate, during January 2018 filed an OA at Hon'ble chennai CAT and got court direction to give the minutes copy for the same Secty Posts meeting discussion dated 25.7.17 within 12 weeks.

2. So immediately PM CR proposal is initiated on 31.01.2018.

3. During April 2018  more members were enrolled and new aiaps divisions were also constituted through out the circles.

4. During May 2018, West Bengal Circle was formed newly with AIAPS. I had personally attended the WB conference, which was arranged neatly.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

AIAPS, NFPE and FNPO all are joining together with 2019 JANUARY 8th & 9th NATION WIDE TWO DAYS STRIKE! MAKE IT A GRAND SUCCESS!!!

All India Association of Postal Supervisors - association also shall participate in the two days national wide strike on 08th and 9th January 2019 along with NFPE, FNPO, GDS associations with  Separate charter of 23 demands like 

1. scrap New Pension Scheme to restore old pension scheme, 
2. immediately stop dividing postal department 5 corporate sectors vide TSR Subrmanian committee report, 
3. Pay upgradation and rationalised promotional avenues to Postmasters, 
4. Ensuring Group C CR promotional avenues to Supervisors w.e.f, 27.5.16,
5. Five days work in a week etc.,

All Important Key post offices also will be kept closed since AIAPS also participating in the upcoming strike.

This strike is to save our department, save our government employment and to uphold our job profile. 

So all circle secretaries and office bearers are requested to intensify the strike campaign to make this 2 days strike grand success.


Annual Inspection Programme of Members,postal services Board & Addl.DG (Coord.) for the inspection year 2019

Request for attachment of Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana Agents to BO [Reply from Directorate FS Division]

The Proposal / request was examined at Directorate, in detail in consultation with Circles and the same was found not viable.

Directorate reply is produced below...

Final All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the year 2001 and 2002 [Directorate]

Duration of time fixed as 150 days after which the Speed Post articles is to be treated as lost [BD & MD - Directorate]

The maximum period after which the Speed Post article will be treated as lost has been fixed as 150 days from the date of booking of article provided that a complaint is lodged within the period prescribed for lodging the complaint and e-search bill enquiry has been made and concluded as per instructions issued vide ibid letter of PG Division

Directorate order is produced below

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Fundamental (Amendment) Rules, 2018 - Amendment in FR 22(I)(a)(1)-reg.

To view please Click Here.

New Norms for Withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS).

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has changed the norms for withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS) subscribers. Keeping in view the possibility of sudden financial needs of the subscribers, the requirement of minimum period under National Pension System (NPS) for availing the facility of partial withdrawal from the mandatory Tier-I account of the subscriber has been reduced from 10 years to 3 years from the date of joining w.e.f. 10th August, 2017. The minimum gap of 5 years between two partial withdrawals has also been removed w.e.f. 10th August, 2017.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Meeting was held between AIAPS representatives and Postmaster cadre committee members

Meeting was scheduled at Dak Bhawan on 20.12.2018 between AIAPS representatives and Postmaster cadre committee members and lasted 2 hours 45 minutes.

We had healthy detailed discussion regarding PM cadre's 8 years issues and expected remedies also recorded with the committee.

Committee is very positive and we could definitely expect the finest possible solution from the directorate for our all problems faced till date.

We may expect minutes copy of that meeting and further recommendations  of the Postmaster cadre committee within one or two weeks.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Strike! Strike!! Strike !!! AIAPS also will join two days strike on 08th 09th January 2019.

Dear colleagues,

     With separate Charter of Demands, AIAPS also will join 2 days strike along with NFPE and FNPO unions. 

     Department of Post is in high threat after the recommendations of TSR subramanian committee to convert our government department to 5 corporate sectors. Government is implementing the same one by one till date. 

     First Parcel was divided then for banking IPPB company was launched now insurance company also started. Even then if we have not agitated and shown our unity then our future may be on streets only to get even proper salary. Besides that to restore old pension scheme and vital issues of Postmaster cadre officers/LSG line Supervisors are also listed in the charter of demands for the earliest redressal.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

AIAPS Andhra Pradesh Circle branch Conference

FAQ on eMO

FAQ on eMO is available in following link

Standard Operating Procedure – Internet Banking


Department of Posts has introduced Internet Banking facility for Post Office Savings Bank customers for CBS migrated Post Offices. 




All AIAPS members Please WEAR THE BADGE - contains above Slogan and CONDUCT awareness programs about the evil side of New Pension scheme 


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Article No 4 - Whether Group C cadre restructure clarification order dated 05.12.2018 is huge set back???

Dear Supervisors and Postal Assistants....

     1.You may well aware about my previous articles related to Group 'C' cadre restructure of DOP. Now department had circulated one more clarification on 05.12.2018 regarding Group C cadre restructure. It is definitely a huge set back to all the Postal Assistants, LSG/HSG II/HSG I officers. 

   2. A detailed article is produced below along with directorate letter dated 05.12.2018 for the information of all and necessary further action too.

    3. After thorough discussions with staff side by Shri.Charles lobo committee, department had clarified on 10.11.2017 that to maintain the uniformity at all circles in completing the Cadre restructure order dated 27.5.2016, when ever, LSG/HSG II/HSG I promotion given belatedly due to administrative delay at various circles, date of effect of such promotion is accorded retrospectively as on date of cadre restructure order i.e., 27.05.2016 instead of actual date of joining in those supervisory posts.

Useful exam material for LDCE LGO/IPO/ PM GRADE -1 EXAM ON Accounting procedure at Brach Office

Useful notes on GDS Conduct Rules 2011 for LDCE LGO EXAM/IPO EXAM/PM GRADE-1




Streamlining of National Pension System (NPS) - PIB News!

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
10-December-2018 15:01 IST

Streamlining of National Pension System (NPS)

The Union Cabinet in its Meeting on 6th December, 2018 has approved the following proposal for streamlining the National Pension System (NPS).

Enhancement of the mandatory contribution by the Central Government for its employees covered under NPS Tier-I from the existing 10% to 14%.

LTC - Request for seeking relaxation for booking of air tickets from private travel agents: DoPT OM dt 10-12-2018

No. 31011/2/2018-Estt (A.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk 
North Block, New Delhi-10001
Dated: December 10, 2018 


Subject:- Procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC – compliance of instructions regarding. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

NPS to OPS: New Pension Scheme Demand To Scrap it and restore OPS again!!!

NEW PENSION SCHEME (NPS): The New Pension Scheme is made compulsory for Government employees was brought into effect 2004, this has effected them a lot, lot of agitations are being carried out on scrapping the New Pension Scheme, this agitations has forced many State Governments such as Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi State Governments to reconsider this New Pension Scheme and formed an expert committee to review this New Pension Scheme. This New Pension Scheme was not implemented by West Bengal State Government. In this angle an analysis is made all about New Pension Scheme and ways to scarp or modify the New Pension Scheme to benefit the Government employees at large is suggested.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Transfer / allotment order on Promotion to the cadre of LSG(norm based), Supervisor SBCO - Gujarat Circle

Prevention of frauds in Pension payments: EPFO's instructions

Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India
Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110066
No. Pen.II/14/Bkg.Arg/2018/11660 
Date: 04 DEC 2018
All Additional Central P.F. Commissioner (Zonal Offices),
All Regional P.F. Commissioner (In-charges of Regional Offices).
Sub: Prevention of frauds in Pension payments ~ regarding.
Sir/ Madam,
This is with reference to occurrence of frauds and its prevention in the process of payment of pension to pensioners in the field offices. It is suggested to take the actions as detailed below:
(i) Rotation policy of staff may be followed. The maximum tenure of three years may be followed in all Regional Offices without any exceptions. Records of charge allocation including deputing special messengers’ alongwith CD/BRS to the bank should be maintained and periodically verified by officer In-charge concerned.

Transaction using CTM in IPPB [Finacle]

This post will explain how to deposit/withdraw/transfer transaction in IPPB and to familiarize screen for transaction 

Command used for the above mentioned transaction is same as in DOP Finacle but the interface is quite different. CTM

Following screen will appear

DoPT: The Fundamental Amendment Rules 2018 - Amendment in FR 22(I)(a)(1)


(Department of Personnel and Training) 

New Delhi, the 19th November, 2018 

G.S.R.370.- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause(5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Fundamental Rules. 1922, namely:-
1. (1) These rules maybe called the Fundamental (Amendment) Rules, 2018. 
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 

2. In the Fundamental Rules. 1922, in rule 22. in sub-rule (1), in clause (a). for sub-clause (I). the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:- 

"(1) where a Government servant holding a post, other than a tenure post, in a substantive or temporary or officiating capacity is promoted or appointed in a substantive. temporary or officiating capacity, as the case may be, subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility conditions as prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules, to another post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attaching to the post held by him, his initial pay in the time-scale shall be fixed by giving one increment in the level from which the Government servant is promoted and he or she shall be placed at a cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the level of the post to which promoted or appointed and if no such cell is available in the level to which promoted or appointed, he shall be placed at the next higher cell in that level.

Save in cases of appointment on deputation to an ex cadre post. or to a post on ad hoc basis or on direct recruitment basis, the Government servant shall have the option, to be exercised within one month from the date of promotion or appointment, as the case may be, to have the pay fixed under this rule from the date of such promotion or appointment or to have the pay fixed initially at the next higher cell in the level of the post to which he or she is promoted on regular basis and subsequently, on the date of accrual of next increment in the level of the post from which Government Servant is promoted, his pay shall be re-fixed and two increments (one accrued on account of annual Increment and the second accrued on account of promotion) shall be granted in the level from which the Government Servant is promoted and he or she shall be placed. at a cell equal to the figure so arrived, in the level of the post to which he or she is promoted; and if no such cell is available in the level to which he or she is promoted, he or she shall be placed at the next higher cell in that level.

In cases where an ad hoc promotion is followed by regular appointment without break, the option is admissible from the date of initial appointment or promotion. to he exercised within one month from the date of such regular appointment.

In cases where an officer has retired as ad hoc before being regularised to that post and later on has been assessed during the process of regularisation and found fit by the competent authority along with his or her juniors, who are still in service and are eligible to avail of the option facility from a date on which the retired employee was still in service, the same option facility shall also be extended to the retired employee, to be exercised within three months from the date when his or her junior became eligible to avail of option facility and in cases where such retired employee was 
himself the junior most, he or she may exercise the option facility within three months from the date when his or her immediate senior became eligible to avail of option facility:

Provided that where a Government servant is immediately before his promotion or appointment on  regular basis to a higher post, drawing pay at the maximum of the level of the lower post, his initial pay in the level of the higher post shall be fixed at the cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the level of the post to which promoted or appointed by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post held by him on regular basis by an amount equal to the last increment in the level of the lower post and if no such cell is available in the level to which he is promoted or appointed, he shall be placed at the next higher cell in that level." 

[F.No. 13/1/20 17-Estt.(Pay-I)]

Note: The Fundamental Rules came into force from 1st January, 1922 and these rules were amended earlier as per  details below:- 
1. Ministry of Finance Notification No.2(9)-E.III/61 dated 01.02.1963; 
2. Ministry of Finance Notification No.1(1 )-E.III(A)/65 dated 20.02.1965; 
3. Ministry of Finance Notification No. l(25)-E.IlI(a)/64 dated 30.11.1965; 
4. Ministry of Finance Notification No. F.1(25)-E.ITT(A)/64 dated 01.10.1966; 
5. Ministry of Finance Notification No. I (3)-E.TTI(a)/64-Pt.1I dated 18.07.1967; 
6. Ministry of Finance Notification No. I (6)-E.TII(A)/68 dated 26.04.1968; 
7. Ministry of Finance Notification No. l(25)-E.IIJ(A)/64 dated 27.05.1970; 
8. Ministry of Finance Notification No. 18(13)-E.IV(A)/70 dated 29.01.1971; 
9. Ministry of Finance Notification No. l(9)-E.1II(A)/74 dated 30.10.1974; 
10. Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. l(6)-P.U.1179 dated 23.11.1979; 
11. Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Notification No. F. I (8)-P.U.T/80 dated 29.01.1981; 
12. Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. l/9/79-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 06.10.1983; 
13. Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No.1 3/5/84-Estt.(Pay-T) dated I 7.08.1984; 
14. Department of Personnel and Training Notification No. I3/5/84-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 24.09.1985; 
15. Department of Personnel and Training Notification No. Il/I /85-Estt.(Pay-t) dated 24.04.1986; and 
16. Department of Personnel and Training Notification No. I / I 0/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 30.08.1989. 

To view please Click Here.

Source: DoPT

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Now bank ATMs can encash your cheque within one minute, 24x7; Interesting details here

What if the ATM machine near you start clearing cheques and do all other routine works done by humans at banks? Believe it or not, but this has now been made possible. Leading ATM maker NCR Corporation has developed an ATM that can encash cheques - That too within just one minute! 

Two private banks have deployed the new ATM as a pilot project in Gurugram and  Bengaluru.

Instructions to follow CBS Finacle Application User [Delete temporary files due to update of Java file]

Dear Circle SPOC's,

Subsequent to the near expiry of the CBS application Jar files, FSI has  proposed  to update JAR files(JAVA) on  02-12-2018 at DC level.

There may be no issue in accessing Finacle application on 03-12-2018

If  any of the  POs  face an issue on 03-12-2018 to access the  application, user shall follow the below referred steps to clear the Temporary files cached.

SB Order No. 13/2018 - Regarding amendment of Para 26 of S B Control Procedure for weeding out of Old Record of SBCO.

GL Code finder with revised GL codes as on 04.12.2018 is available in the link given below.

Thanks to Shri. SOORAJ KS

Holidays to be observed in Administrative/Operative offices during the year 2019 - Tamilnadu Circle



This is the solution to update the RICT Apps offline. This solution is very useful when MDM Portal is not working fine.

Click to View


Use at your own risk, admin does not responsible for any harm to devices.

Solution by:-
Sri. Durgesh Gupta, 
System Admin
Mandla HO-481661 (MP CIRCLE)

DoPT: Launching /Introduction of UPSC module in RRFAMS portal

AB- 14017/ 19/2018-Estt.(RR)(3141620)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt(RR) Section
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 3rd December, 2018

Subject: Launching /Introduction of UPSC module in RRFAMS portal - reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that the RRFAMS portal has been in operation since 25.12.2016 for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules by DOP&T.

The proposals received on this portal are scrutinized in DOP&T through online consultation with the user ministries/departments. Once the RRs become error free, approval of DOPT is conveyed through the system. Simultaneously, the Recruitment Rules are also frozen. Under the existing system after the RRs are frozen, the Ministries/Departments send the proposals along with necessary Annexure, hierarchy chart etc. in physical file to UPSC and DoLA.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

AIAPS detailed representation letter submitted to Postmaster cadre committee!!!

As on outcome of DG Posts meeting by AIAPS(GL) representatives, a separate committee was constituted to examine the entire issues faced by the Postmaster cadre officers including cadre restructure of PM cadre.

In this regard, a detailed 15 pages representation was submitted by AIAPS to redress all the grievances faced by the Postmaster cadre officers including cadre restructure of Postmasters.

Our sincere thanks to DG Posts madam for her speedy benevolent action

- General Secretary
All India Association of Postmasters and Supervisors.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Model Proforma to claim 3% fitment pay benefit by individual request !

______________________________ ,
______________________________ ,
_______________________________ ,

The Sr./Postmaster,
__________________________ HO,
Pincode: _____________________ .

Subject: Grant of benefit of pay fixation at time of promotion to Postmaster Grade I – reg

Reference: Directorate sanction letter No.20-27/2015-SPB-II dated at Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg the 15th October 2018 (Published in India post official website and attached with this letter for quick reference)

A kind reference is invited to the above cited Dte letter, vide above reference, 3% fitment benefit of pay was allowed to Postmaster Grade I official at the time of fixation of pay on promotion to the post of Postmaster Grade I even after availing financial upgradation under MACP.

One more good news as an outcome of the DG Posts meeting dated 4.10.18

Dear Postmasters and beloved members of AIAPS,

     1. As one of the outcome of AIAPS representatives, two hours depth discussion with DG Posts madam, one more mile stone is achieved followed by 3% fitment pay benefit.

     2. Yes Postmaster cadre restructure process is accelerated vide  directorate letter dated 26.10.18.

3. We could see many positive aspects in the dte order dated 26.10.18.

a) Already PM cadre restructure related committee is constituted vide DTE order dated 12.10.18. Within 14 days three orders issued related to PM CR viz on 12.10.18, 26.10.18 and again 26.10.18

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Good News - Postmaster cadre committee to examine the issues relating to Postmasters cadre !!!

Dear beloved Postmasters,

    As already said in the AIAPS minutes after DG Posts meeting dated 04.10.2018, a Postmaster cadre committee is constituted to examine the issues faced by the Postmaster cadre officers and as well as to complete the cadre restructure as assured by DG Posts madam on 04.10.2018 to AIAPS representatives.

       This committee will deal entire things related to Postmaster cadre viz., 1. efficacy of having separate cadre of Postmasters, cadre restructure of PM cadre and as well as operative and administrative issues faced by the Postmaster cadre officials.

      It is definitely a huge relief to all the Postmaster cadre officials since now department has initiated a remarkable thing to settle all the grievances of Postmaster cadre officers.

  Order copy is produced below

Postmaster cadre committee to examine the issues relating to Postmasters cadre

Dear beloved Postmasters,

    As already said in the AIAPS minutes after DG Posts meeting dated 04.10.2018, Postmaster cadre restructure committee is constituted as assured by DG Posts madam on 04.10.2018 to AIAPS representatives.

  Order copy is produced below


Dear Brothers and Sisters

      CHQ balance sheet click is attached with this post.

  Contributors can ask any kind of queries related to the receipts/expenditures within a period of 30 days from the date of such receipts/expenditures mentioned in the google drive excel sheet. We are happy to clarify such queries of our esteemed contributors           


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Flash News !!! 3% fitment pay benefit from the date of joining in PM Grade I officials

As per our AIAPS request letter dated 1.9.18, and  as told after DG posts meeting file waput up and 3% payment fitment is now sanctioned for passing PM Grade I, non-hierarchy LDC exams on merit from their date of joining in PM Grade I posts. (Applicable to MACP I, II, III officials passing PM I after their MACPs)

Arrears will be drawn to PM Grade I officials around Rs.50000 to Rs.1,00,000.

Celebratory moment from AIAPS CHQ on this auspicious Vijayadasami festival celebrations.

Order is published below

Monday, May 28, 2018

AIAPS Informal meetings at Tamilnadu

AIAPS representatives  had informal meeting with Staff section, Circle office and DPS CCR for the issues of 8 officials in one stroke. All are succesful.

1.  Pending case of Shri.Nateshan had now promoted to PM III and got favorable place.

2. Smt.Akila may have willing place and promotion as expected though declination letter was obtained.

3. On receipt of Smt.Deepa declination, following officials request will be processed favorably.

a. Shri JaiGanesh will get reallotment shortly to CCR.

b. Shri. Stanley will get reallotment shortly to WR

c. Smt. Dhanalakshmi will get reallotment shortly to CR.

d. Shri.Bhuvaneshan will get reallotment to WR shortly.

4. Shri. Manivannan PM I will get CCR and will be posted at viyasarbadi first. then his further request will be considered favorably.

Thanks to the DPS CCR for his benovalent act towards members request in all means.

Affectionately yours
Genl Secty
C.S (Addl charge).
Chennai 600086.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

AIAPS circulars on GDS strike!!!

AIAPS circular Dated 10.05.2018

AIAPS stand on GDS strike followed by other P3/P4 unions

After gone thoroughly with the prevailing situations of GDS prolonged struggles, other unions stand and beloved AIAPS CHQ office bearers opinions,  following are the AIAPS association stand on GDS strike....

1. Yes, GDS are the back bone of our DOP to reach nook and corner of our nation, and the only media to transform any project of our government to any corner of our nation. 

2. Hence to such important GDS cadre, AIAPS conveys our pleasure that all the unions are joining together one by one to a single moto (GDS pay commission positive recommendation's earliest implementation).

3. In most of the circles, GDS unions had announced strike and in some circles, P3/P4 unions also announced strike.

4. Hence *if all the P3/P4 unions are announced strike including GDS unions at any circle,* then concerned AIAPS circle secretaries are freed to take their own decision to join or not in the strike announced on 22.5.18 after following stripluated guidelines on the matter.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Flash News on Postmaster cadre restructuring!!!

Cadre restructuring of Postmaster cadre  was initiated from the directorate.

All circles have been sought detailed information regarding Postmaster Cadre restructuring including changes and challenges being faced by the postmaster cadre.

With regards,
General Secretary
All India Association of Postal Supervisors.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

One serious thing happening around PM cadre friends...

1. In the AIAPC blog they have stated that they are started to file the court cases one by one for postmaster cadre grievances.

2. Without knowing the stand of the department, filing the court cases for again and again for various issues will seriously spoil our cadre and stop all the PM cadre related  progress by mentioning that case is pending and subjudice.

3. First we have to know the stand of the department, second if the department is denied anything then only we have to approach the court.

4. It is pertinent to mention here that during the visit of AIAPS at directorate, some sections stopped the discussion with us by mentioning that u PM cadre people were filed  court cases so we cannot even discuss those subjudice matters  here  and directed to deal with court there after filed the cases.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018

Deputation of DoP Employees to IPPB- comparison of salary & other Benefits : Order Dated 12.01.2018

Brief of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 11-1-2018

issues raised by the Staff Side in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting 

1.The JCM Forum both at the National Level and Departmental Level has become in effective and the meetings are not taking place as per the JCM Scheme due to this issues are remaining unresolved. Therefore the JCM Forum may be activated and meetings may be held regularly.

2.The Departments under the Government are arbitrarily taking decisions with regard to closure, out sourcing, displacement Of manpower in the name Of surplus etc without even discussing with Recognized Federations. Example of Defence Ministry and Ministry of Urban Affairs (Printing Press) etc are quoted. Necessary instructions may be issued to all the Departments to take the Staff Side in to confidence before taking any such decisions.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Happy news to Postmasters!!!

Dear PMs and Supervisors...

     Some of the PMs, had submitted objections to me for not adding PM cadre in the IPPB also, for that i had submitted my firm objection through email and requested the corrigendum in the mode of FAQ. For that directorate personally send FAQ to me now through email.

    It is CHQs duty to resolve the agitations by the PMs informed early to us, but proceeding further is purely their discretions.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Family Pension to Divorced Daughters: PIB

There is no such proposal.  However, vide Ministry of Defence letter dated 17.11.2017, divorced daughter is now eligible for ordinary family pension for life subject to fulfilment of the following conditions:-

When widow / widower of Defence personnel and eligible children below 25 years of age have ceased to be eligible to receive family pension and there is no disabled child to receive family pension.

Finacle Overview

The word "Finacle" is collection of two words "Finance" and "Oracle" hence the name "Finacle" originated. 
Subscribe to this channel and receive important regular help on Finacle Solution. 
Finacle package , for banking solution developed by Indian Technology Corporation Infosys in the year 1999 it has undergone many versions after introduction presently the version of Finacle package is 10+ 

Many Indian banks and all over the world also using Finacle package as a banking solution as it is highly flexible. Finacle core banking solution is a comprehensive,integrated,yet modular and agile business solution,addressing all the core needs of the banks,in easy to configure modules.